BioSpec Stainless Steel Microvials

Category Homogenizer Accessories
Manufacturer BioSpec
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Cat. No. 2007, 1.8 ml stainless steel (type 305) microvials. Polyethylene flange caps are included. Package size: 100 pieces

Stainless Steel Microvials have the same outer dimensions and weight as standard 2 ml microvials. They can be sealed with polyethylene flange caps, silicone rubber stopper caps or crimped septa caps.

Applications include:

  • Dry grinding in a Bead mill (MiniBeadbeater) where milling forces are too severe for common plastic microvials (special silicone rubber caps are required for grinding applications, see below).
  • Achieving far superior heat transfer - as might be required for PCR methods.
  • Superior temperature control of samples in microvials.
  • Milling or beadbeating of non-biological samples where trace contamination with polypropylene particles abraded from a microvial must be avoided.

NOTE! Special Silicone Rubber Caps are required when beadbeating dry or hard frozen samples using steel beads in these Stainless Steel Microvials, or when grinding tissue samples at liquid nitrogen temperatures. 
The silicone rubber caps are specifically designed for use with the 2 ml stainless steel microvials.  Due to the high shaking energy of the Mini-BeadBeater series of cell disrupters, steel beads can break though the standard polyethylene flange caps that are supplied with the stainless steel vials. 

$98 USD ... $184 USD

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