Homogenization and DNA Extraction from Rice Leaf (Orysa sativa)

Instrument: Precellys® 24

Sample: Rice (O. sativa) leaf


  • Add rice leaf to 2ml tubes from the soil grinding kits.
  • Briefly place tube in liquid nitrogen* to flash-freeze the sample.
  • Run the Precellys 24 at 5000rpm, 1 x 15s.
  • Briefly place tube in liquid nitrogen*
  • Add DNA extraction buffer
  • Pour the sample and buffer through a sieve to remove the beads from the sample

*In this instance, the DNA extraction buffer that was used required the sample to be frozen.


Rice leaf before and after grinding

Left: Fresh leaves prior to liquid nitrogen exposure.  Right: Homogenized leaves after grinding


Resulting DNA gel after rice leaf homogenization in the Precellys 24

Lanes 1 & 2: Rice leaf DNA.  Lanes 3-5: λDNA standards.  Lanes 6 & 7: Marker.