RNA extraction from Streptomyces (Actinobacteria)

Instrument: Precellys® 24

Sample: Streptomyces mycelium leaf


  • Add 20mg of Streptomyces mycelium to tubes from the 2ml microorganism lysing kit.
  • Run the Precellys at 6500 rpm, 2 x 23s with a 10s break.
  • Extract RNA with the trizol method


Total extracted RNA was run on a gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining and UV transillumination.  Total RNA extracted from Streptomyces was almost twice the amount recovered with enzymatic lysis (Qiagen RNAeasy Mini Kit).

Total RNA from homogenization in the Precellys® 24 vs the Qiagen RNAeasy Mini Kit.

 Left lane: Total RNA from homogenization in the Precellys® 24.  Right lane: Total RNA extracted using Qiagen RNAeasy Mini Kit.