RNA extraction from Arabidopsis with Minilys

Instrument: Minilys homogenizer

Sample: Arabidopsis seedlings


  • Precellys kit: 03961-1-009 (1.4&2.8 ceramic beads mix).
  • Add Samples: 5 Arabidopsis seedlings (two weeks old).
  • Add Buffer: 1mL TRI Reagent (MRC TR118).
  • Run the Minilys at 5000 rpm, 20 sec or 5000 rpm, 40s.
  • Snap-frozen in N2 or not.
  • Triplicate by condition.


Total RNA was extracted directly from the homogenized samples using the TRI Reagent protocol before being checked for quality and quantity.

Mean concentration of total RNA from 4 extracted pool samples snap frozen before TRI Reagent addition or not and homogenization with Minilys at 5000 rpm 20s or 40s. The corresponding mean absorption ratio (260/280) are also plotted.