Protein extraction from Arabidopsis with Minilys

Instrument: Minilys homogenizer

Sample: Arabidopsis seedlings


  • Precellys kit: 03961-1-010 (1.4 & 2.8 ceramic beads mix).
  • Add samples 5 Arabidopsis seedlings (two weeks old).
  • Add buffer 200 μL of 62.5mM Tris-HCl pH8, 4M Urea, 3% SDS, 10% Glycerol, 0.1% Bromophenolblue, 100mM DTT.
  • Snap-frozen in N2.
  • Addition of extraction buffer after (Preparation A) or before homogenization (Preparation B).
  • Run the Minilys at 5000 rpm, 20 sec or 5000 rpm, 40s.
  • Triplicate by condition.


Total proteins were separated by western blot on a 8% SDSAcrylamide gel and transfer to a PVDF-membrane.


Western blot of Arabidopsis total proteins and detection of HD-Zip transcription factor by anti GFPHRP antibody.