Homogenization Protocol for Shellfish
Instrument: Bullet Blender 50
Sample: Shellfish
- Break the shell of the animal in a clean dissection area. Remove fragments of shell from the soft tissue.
- If desired, wash the soft tissue with saline to remove any sand or shell fragments.
- Blot excess liquid from the soft tissue using a Kimwipe® or other lint free cloth.
- Cut the tissue into appropriately sized pieces (up to 9g).
- Place tissue into a 50mL skirted conical centrifuge tube (Axygen® or Corning®).
- Add a mass of stainless steel beads (4.8mm) to the tube equal to approximately 3x the mass of your sample.
- Add 4-7mL buffer.
- Screw caps onto centrifuge tubes TIGHTLY.
- Place tubes into the Bullet Blender® 50.
- Set controls for SPEED 10 and TIME 12 minutes.
- Remove tubes from the instrument.
- Visually inspect samples, if homogenization is unsatisfactory, run for another six minutes at the SPEED 10.
- Proceed with your downstream application.